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Risk Estimation of Heavy Metals Associated with PM2.5 in the Urban Area of Cuernavaca, México

dc.rights.license - Atribuciónes_MX
dc.contributor.authorHugo Albeiro Saldarriaga Noreñaes_MX
dc.contributor.authorMAURICIO ROSALES RIVERAes_MX
dc.contributor.authorMARIO ALFONSO MURILLO TOVARes_MX
dc.contributor.authorMARIANA ROMERO AGUILARes_MX
dc.coverage.spatialMEX - Méxicoes_MX
dc.descriptionThe city of Cuernavaca has experienced a significant deterioration in air quality in recent years. Despite this situation, few studies in the region have constantly monitored this problem. The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations of heavy metals in PM2.5 in three representative sites of the city and estimate the risks posed to human health and the environment. The results revealed concentrations in the following order of abundance: Fe > Al > Mg > Zn > As > Ni > V > Pb > Mn. The EF indicated that As comes mainly from anthropogenic emissions; Zn, V, Pb, and Ni come from natural and anthropogenic sources; and Mn, Fe and Al have a natural origin derived from the soil. The Igeo, As, Pb and Zn were greater than five, followed by V and Ni, whose values ranged between two and three. The ecological RI was far greater than 600 in all cases. The HQ revealed that all values were below one, indicating that the health risk posed by exposure to ambient air is below that established by the USEPA. The Ni ILCR values for adults were 1.03 × 10−5, followed by 2.9 × 10−6 and 1.6 × 10−7 for Pb and As, respectively. For children, the values were in the following order: Pb (1.2 × 10−6), Ni (4.8 × 10−6) and As (7.5 × 10−6). These findings suggest that Cuernavaca’s air has moderate to heavy contamination levels, which must be taken into account by environmental authorities so that measurements can be taken to help reverse this situation.es_MX
dc.formatpdf - Adobe PDFes_MX
dc.languageeng - Ingléses_MX
dc.publisherMDPI Open Access Journalses_MX
dc.rightsopenAccess - Acceso Abiertoes_MX
dc.subject2 - BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICAes_MX
dc.subject.classificationheavy metals; ecological risk; health risk assessment; Monte Carlo simulationes_MX
dc.subject.other24 - CIENCIAS DE LA VIDAes_MX
dc.titleRisk Estimation of Heavy Metals Associated with PM2.5 in the Urban Area of Cuernavaca, Méxicoes_MX
dc.typearticle - Artículoes_MX
uaem.unidadFacultad de Ciencias Químicas e Ingeniería - Facultad de Ciencias Químicas e Ingenieríaes_MX
uaem.unidadCentro de Investigación en Ciencias (CInC) - Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas (IICBA) - Centro de Investigación en Ciencias (CInC) - Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas (IICBA)es_MX
uaem.unidadCentro de Investigaciones Químicas (CIQ) - Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas (IICBA) - Centro de Investigaciones Químicas (CIQ) - Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas (IICBA)es_MX
dc.audienceresearchers - Investigadoreses_MX

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