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Adsorption and Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue in Carbon Nanotubes: A Review with Bibliometric Analysis

dc.rights.license - Atribuciónes_MX
dc.contributor.authorHugo Albeiro Saldarriaga Noreñaes_MX
dc.contributor.authorMARIO ALFONSO MURILLO TOVARes_MX
dc.contributor.authorJOSEFINA VERGARA SANCHEZes_MX
dc.contributor.authorJEANNETE RAMIREZ APARICIOes_MX
dc.contributor.authorLorena Magallón Cachoes_MX
dc.coverage.spatialMEX - Méxicoes_MX
dc.descriptionWastewater-containing dyes are an environmental problem. The prime source of dye pollutants is the textile industry, such as paper manufacturing, food processing, leather, pigments, etc. Dye removal from wastewater using nanotechnology has received attention in recent decades thanks to efficient nanomaterials improving traditional technologies. In recent years, multiple research reports on carbon nanotubes for dye removal and photocatalytic dye degradation provided substantial insight into the comprehension of nanotechnology and remediation. This work presents a review and bibliometric analysis of carbon nanotubes for dye removal and photocatalytic dye degradation, which have an environmental impact today. The bibliometric study showed that the current research tendency on carbon nanotubes applied in dye removal and photocatalysis is still growing. According to research, this work observed that carbon nanotubes for dye removal exhibit high removal and efficient photocatalysis activity, indicating the functionality of nanotechnology for environmental remediation. The analysis of the parameters involved in the removal studies, such as temperature and pH, showed adsorption behavior. The photodegradation of methylene blue demonstrated the photocatalytic activity of carbon nanotubes attributed to the sp2 lattice of graphitic configuration.es_MX
dc.formatpdf - Adobe PDFes_MX
dc.languageeng - Ingléses_MX
dc.publisherMDPI Open Access Journalses_MX
dc.rightsopenAccess - Acceso Abiertoes_MX
dc.subject2 - BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICAes_MX
dc.subject.classificationadsorption; carbon nanotubes; methylene blue; photocatalysis; photodegradation of methylene bluees_MX
dc.subject.other23 - QUÍMICAes_MX
dc.titleAdsorption and Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue in Carbon Nanotubes: A Review with Bibliometric Analysises_MX
dc.typearticle - Artículoes_MX
uaem.unidadCentro de Investigaciones Químicas (CIQ) - Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas (IICBA) - Centro de Investigaciones Químicas (CIQ) - Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas (IICBA)es_MX
uaem.unidadFacultad de Ciencias Químicas e Ingeniería - Facultad de Ciencias Químicas e Ingenieríaes_MX
dc.audienceresearchers - Investigadoreses_MX

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  • Colección Revistas de Investigación [240]
    Artículos publicados por investigadores de la UAEM en revistas de investigación, sean éstas de la UAEM o de otras instituciones nacionales o extranjeras.

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