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Physcomitrium patens Infection by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides: Understanding the Fungal–Bryophyte Interaction by Microscopy, Phenomics and RNA Sequencing

dc.rights.license - Atribuciónes_MX
dc.contributor.authorADRIANA OTERO BLANCAes_MX
dc.contributor.authorYORDANIS PEREZ LLANOes_MX
dc.contributor.authorVERONICA LIRA RUANes_MX
dc.contributor.authorJorge Luis Folch Malloles_MX
dc.contributor.authorRAMON ALBERTO BATISTA GARCIAes_MX
dc.coverage.spatialMEX - Méxicoes_MX
dc.descriptionAnthracnose caused by the hemibiotroph fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is a devastating plant disease with an extensive impact on plant productivity. The process of colonization and disease progression of C. gloeosporioides has been studied in a number of angiosperm crops. To better understand the evolution of the plant response to pathogens, the study of this complex interaction has been extended to bryophytes. The model moss Physcomitrium patens Hedw. B&S (former Physcomitrella patens) is sensitive to known bacterial and fungal phytopathogens, including C. gloeosporioides, which cause infection and cell death. P. patens responses to these microorganisms resemble that of the angiosperms. However, the molecular events during the interaction of P. patens and C. gloeosporioides have not been explored. In this work, we present a comprehensive approach using microscopy, phenomics and RNA-seq analysis to explore the defense response of P. patens to C. gloeosporioides. Microscopy analysis showed that appressoria are already formed at 24 h after inoculation (hai) and tissue colonization and cell death occur at 24 hai and is massive at 48 hai. Consequently, the phenomics analysis showed progressing browning of moss tissues and impaired photosynthesis from 24 to 48 hai. The transcriptomic analysis revealed that more than 1200 P. patens genes were differentially expressed in response to Colletotrichum infection. The analysis of differentially expressed gene function showed that the C. gloeosporioides infection led to a transcription reprogramming in P. patens that upregulated the genes related to pathogen recognition, secondary metabolism, cell wall reinforcement and regulation of gene expression. In accordance with the observed phenomics results, some photosynthesis and chloroplast-related genes were repressed, indicating that, under attack, P. patens changes its transcription from primary metabolism to defend itself from the pathogen.es_MX
dc.languageeng - Ingléses_MX
dc.publisherJournal of Fungies_MX
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Fungies_MX
dc.rightsopenAccess - Acceso Abiertoes_MX
dc.subject2 - BIOLOGÍA Y QUÍMICAes_MX
dc.subject.classificationPhyscomitrium (Physcomitrella) patens, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, fungal–bryophyte interaction, transcriptomics; phenomicses_MX
dc.subject.other24 - CIENCIAS DE LA VIDAes_MX
dc.titlePhyscomitrium patens Infection by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides: Understanding the Fungal–Bryophyte Interaction by Microscopy, Phenomics and RNA Sequencinges_MX
dc.typearticle - Artículoes_MX
uaem.unidadCentro de Investigación en Dinámica Celular (CIDC) - Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas (IICBA) - Centro de Investigación en Dinámica Celular (CIDC) - Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas (IICBA)es_MX
uaem.unidadCentro de Investigación en Biotecnología (CEIB) - Centro de Investigación en Biotecnología (CEIB)es_MX
dc.audienceresearchers - Investigadoreses_MX

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